This week was really good, but not all that eventful. The
biggest news is transfwers. And, they went exactly the way I thought
they would. I´m staying here with Elder Giles to finish his training. So
we are going to be here together for sure until the very end of
December. I will officially be in Sáenz Peña for both Christmas´on my
We had a pretty good week of work. Not the best that I´ve ever
had, but definitely not the worst. Amalia is still in the hospital, but
said that she would be back this week. Her baby´s name is brayden, but
all spanishized. La familia Ramirez is doing well and they are all
excited to come to church, there´s only one problem. Their Dad freaked
out at them last week and the Mom and the Dad got in a fight and the Dad
said that if they kept going to church that he would kick them out of
the house. Olga already said that they were going to break up, but at
the end of December so that the kids could finish school and she could
have more time to find a place to live. but, until that happens, it
looks like they can´t come to church or they´ll be sleeping on the
street. :( super sad. So keep them in your prayers.
Oh, and I saw
Luciano this week. Luciano Pereyra. He was really excited to come to
church and wants to get baptized on December 13th. And we are preparing a
lot of people, like Facundo, Amailia, aldana, Ezekiel, yamila, hernan,
gladis, and Diana to be baptized on december 13th. So, that should be an
awesome day. The zone has made plans to set all of our investigators
dates to the 13th to try and have a great big baptismal service of like
10-15 people. So, that should be really awesome. anyways, that´s pretty
much it for this week. I know it was kind of boring.
Anyways, the quote I
wanted to put in this week comes from the notes I wrote down while I
was listening to D. todd Christofferson and it says, "We can choose the
kind of person that we want to be, and if that person is worthy, then
God will help us achieve that goal and become that person." I love that.
We can be whoever we want, but if we choose to be who God wants us to
be, then we will have his help. Thanks to everyone who wrote me this
week and I hope to hear from all of you next week!
Les Quiero,
Elder Joshua Clarine
P.S. sorry there are no pictures this week...computer probs.